computerAll websites are not created equal and let’s face it, there are some pretty awful websites out there today. One thing many web content writers forget is, the way to grab your reader’s attention and entice them to buy your product or service is to engage. Engaging your visitors and encouraging them to to interact with your website or the other content surrounding your website (i.e. social media networks, etc.) is a surefire way to turn them into customers.

How do you know if your content is engaging?

Ask yourself this question: Do I have a web content strategy? If not, then there’s a very good chance that your web content is not engaging your visitors. It’s probably just a data dump of uninteresting information.

On an engaging website, visitors are reading and commenting on your blog posts, watching your videos, downloading your free information, following the link to “like” your Facebook and signing up for your email newsletter. If your site visitors aren’t doing any of these activities, you know your website isn’t engaging them or reeling them in.

What can I do today to help fix my content?

There are two key ingredients to begin fixing your content today. First, start thinking about your website, social media, blogs and articles as conversations between you and your customer. You want them to feel invested in the conversation and to respond. When you make a more personal connection with your customers and get them to interact with your content, they are more likely to trust you and do business with you.

Next, think about the questions your customers may be asking in their heads during the buying cycle of your product or service. Make sure to address those questions in your web content in order to move the process along and avoid customers jumping ship and abandoning their “cart” in the middle. It doesn’t matter how you present the information, it could be as a video, white paper, an article, email or web copy, the goal is to get the engaging information across.

Following these steps will put you on the path to creating excellent, engaging content to maximize your online marketing efforts. Stay tuned for more tips to keep in mind when creating content for your website.