Tag Archives: social media marketing tips from 2011

socialmediamarketingHubspot recently posted an article “30 Brilliant Social Media Marketing Tips From 2011.” The article compiled a list of the best social media marketing tips that came out of this year that can also be used to help your marketing campaign in 2012. Here’s our top 5 favorite tips from the article.

  1. If you’re building an online community, show your followers that you appreciate their contributions. Ask them for feedback, offer them special discounts or prizes and thank them for participating. (Source: Social Media Today)
  2. Consider the timing of your social media posts. If you’re posting in the morning but your audience doesn’t get on Facebook or Twitter until night time, your post will get lost in a sea of status updates and go unnoticed. (Source: Search Engine Optimization Journal)
  3. Here are three universal content ideas that never fail: teach your audience how to do something, express a new opinion, create an awesome new list. (Source: Social Fresh)
  4. Use social media to get to know your customer better. Ask them how they heard about you to get a sense of what channels people use to learn more about you. (Source: Mashable)
  5. Write blog content for your target audience, which isn’t necessarily you. Blog about things your readers what to know about. (Source: Mark Suster)

Want more great social media marketing tips from 2011? Read the full article here.