Part of the Local SEO Services for business listings at LocalSplash requires our direct access to your Google Business Profile location. LocalSplash uses this access in multiple ways to effectively manage and optimize your local listing as well as provide enhanced tools along with reporting in the Local Splash Dashboard. The below steps walk through the process to provide LocalSplash this access. This is process is completely safe to perform and will allow our systems to attach to Google securely. Should you be unable to perform any of the steps below, please let us know and we’ll escalate a support request to retrieve access to your listing.

1) Navigate to:

2) Log with your Google account that has verified control of Google Business Profile listing

3) Select the Name of your business listing in the list of Locations.

4) Click on the “Users” menu on the left hand side


5) On the top right, click the null 1 icon to “Invite new users or manager”

6) Enter the number: 5525546200 and select choose “Local Splash Listings”

null 2

7) Select the Role of “Manager”

8) Click the “INVITE” button