Tag Archives: local seo strategies

This is an archive of all the posts on the Local Splash Blog that deal with specific strategies for local SEO

By Jeremy Auestad, Marketing Manager

Five years ago, most business owners did not understand the importance of being found online. The vast majority thought that the Yellow Pages were the best way to advertise their business on a local level and that they would remain the best local advertising medium. Now, those same business owners would give anything to be able to go back and establish an online presence that would have secured great ranking on a local and organic level today. The bad news is that they can’t. The good news is that there is something big around the corner and it is not too late to get on board!

Some important figures:
91% of Americans have a cell phone. [1] If you take out children and the elderly and that’s pretty much everyone!
20% of people with cell phones (45 million) have smart phones (web browser capable). This percentage is growing by about 20% every three months. [2] At this rate, just about every American will own a smartphone by the end of 2012.

Mobile search is quickly becoming a major player in the local advertising space. In a year or two, most business owners are going to be kicking themselves because they waited too long to try to get their foot in the door… just like those who waited too long to establish an online presence for local search. In larger markets, where there is more competition, a lot of small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) are already beginning to create marketing plans that aim to satisfy the future need for good mobile search rankings. Fortunately, it is still early enough in this new trend to make some early moves that will pay off big time in the future!

Three moves that will pay off:

Get listed in local search (that’s the maps section; specifically Google.)
Improve online presence (website, reviews, links, etc)
Start researching and finding ways to include your business in popular industry specific directories.

#1 Get Listed in Local Search; specifically Google.
Right now, a lot of mobile search applications are using local search results to provide the information that they are displaying. This will serve as a great foundation for your company in mobile search down the road.

#2 Improve Online Presence
It is impossible to predict exactly how the majority of mobile search apps will get the information they choose to display in the future… but what is for certain is that the information will come from the Internet. Continuing to increase your online presence should be the #1 priority for all SMBs right now!

#3 Include Your Business in Popular Industry Specific Directories.
Establishing your presence in industry specific directories now will pay off in the future. As more mobile search apps are created, they will surely get more and more specific. Already, we are starting to see apps that allow users to find a great local restaurant or highly rated locksmiths. It is a good bet that in the near future there will be an app that targets just about every service based industry. The best places for these apps to find information to display as search results is by accessing industry specific databases online.

It is understandable that trying to keep up with all of the rapid changes in local advertising can be frustrating. The truth is that there is no end in sight, however. Technology is evolving faster than the average business can adapt to keep up with it. It is important to get your priorities in order and make the commitment to establish your online presence first. Then the rest gets easier. It pays to be a leader in your industry when it comes to your online advertising. Instant gratification is a rarity in online marketing, yet those who wait to try to see what works for their competition are already a year or two behind. By the time they have made a commitment to catch up, something new has already come along. This is why it is smart to hire a company like Local Splash to take that load off your shoulders when it comes to online marketing.

We prepare our customers for the perpetual evolution of local online marketing, including mobile search, and we position them to make a smooth transition into the future!

[1] Arstechnica.com/telecom/news/2010/03/
[2] ComScore.com

By Kim Chhang, Marketing

Over the years, online marketing has evolved and now offers many options for generating publicity for local businesses. The online image or “reputation” of a business is increasingly influenced by real customers via online reviews and ratings. This transition from promoting your own business to having others promote for you can generate a positive online reputation for your business if you manage it correctly. Today, potential customers will often make their final purchase decisions based on business reviews, as it reflects a better idea of what to expect. With this development, consider three ways in which business reviews can benefit your online marketing strategy. It is important to keep these concepts in mind when using the Internet as an advertising channel.

#1 – Business Reviews are Publicly Listed in Search Results

When strong competition is prevalent, your business should stand out as much as possible. Due to Internet search advancements, your business can now be seen directly linked to your ratings and reviews in search listings. Websites such as Yelp, Rate it All, and CitySearch display star ratings and comments provided by the public about your business. Other online directories, such as Superpages and MerchantCircle, also list your profile information and reviews on their site; allowing anyone to view the comments. Both positive and negative reviews are publicly viewed.

#2 – Business Reviews Improve Online Exposure

Reviews increase exposure and awareness for your business. For instance, a search on Google for Belmont Pets & LaunderPet, Long Beach, CA shows a Yelp listing as the third highest search result, with 42 reviews and a 4 ½ star rating for this business.

To the viewer, this business may seem very appealing. This business listing is more likely to be featured in search results and have improved visibility on search results due to the high activity of reviews and ratings. As more and more people click to the business and read the reviews, the business gains online popularity.

Google and other search engines monitor every search (impression) and click-through rate (CTR). As a result, these search engines interpret the results and provide the rankings for each business available. A lower CTR decreases your business ranking relative to other businesses, while a high CTR improves the chances of being listed near the top of the search results. The higher your search ranking, the more customers will find your business online.

#3 – Encouraging Business Reviews from Customers Will Increase Business

With business reviews, you have the opportunity to further promote your business and increase the amount of links to your website or online profile. Customers who post positive reviews will help develop your customer base. On the other hand, having too many negative reviews can have the opposite effect. Therefore, encouraging customers with positive experiences to post reviews is beneficial to your business.

It is easy to generate business reviews. The simplest way is to staple a business review card to every receipt that is handed out. Visit www.GetBusinessReviews.com, for useful information and free postcards provided by Local Splash. The site includes popular business review websites and free, downloadable business review postcards. On the card, customers will receive instructions to post comments and rate their experiences on specific business review sites. As an extra incentive, you can provide customers with a discount or reward for taking time to write a review. The extra incentive can make a big difference in getting more reviews and growing your business!

Google has just announced at the LatLong Blog, the beginning of a nationwide rollout of Tags, their paid, local listing enhancement. The feature, first tested in early February and rolled out to 11 cities last month, will first be available in the states where they have already had Tags (California, Texas, Illinois, Georgia, Washington, and Colorado). Google will update as additional states go live. tags2

Tags will now also appear on mobile searches and a new Tag type, called Posts, will be available. A Post allows a business owner to create a custom message that can be changed as often as owner would like. This new feature could be used to highlight special discounts or a limited-time offer and seems likely to be popular. It would be more useful if it were allowed to also link back to a web page but maybe now coupons will finally get the exposure they deserve.

At a flat rate of $25/mo per business, Google Maps will have a simple to use paid product in place. Google has noted that 2 million businesses have claimed their listings. If there is even only a 10% adoption rate, it will mean income of $60 million/year for Google. I would guess that the uptake will be higher than that and once one 7-Pack entrant adds a Tag, there will be a certain pressure, logic notwithstanding, for others in the 7-pack to do so as well.

Thanks to Mike Blumenthal for this Blog.   http://blumenthals.com/blog/2010/06/10/google-begins-nationwide-rollout-of-tags-and-adds-new-features/comment-page-1/#comment-495239