Tag Archives: social media marketing

googleplusGoogle+ is Google’s up-and-coming social network that makes it easy to share content as well as find content you’re interested in reading. The network is currently in beta mode which means you must be invited to join. It also has yet to unveil its brand pages; however even in its early stages the social media marketing potential of this network is evident. Here are three reasons why Internet marketers should pay attention to Google+:

Search engine optimization: One application of Google+ is the +1’s. This is similar to the Facebook “like.” The more +1’s a post gets, the more relevant Google believes it to be. This allows SEO to be more reliant on relevancy rather than “black hat” or spam-like marketing techniques.

Reaching your target audience: Google+ makes it easier for your content to reach the people who are really interested in reading it. The more you use Google+, the more it’s able to show you relevant content that it knows you will like. This means that people who are really interested in your content will be able to find it easily and they’ll be more likely to read and trust the information presented to them.

Content sharing: Google+ makes it easy to share certain content only with certain people through their use of “Circles.” Circles allow marketers to be able to specifically target who they share content with within their network of followers. This means that people who are interested in the product or service, but might not be interested in this particular post don’t have to see it. This will reduce “un-follows” or users getting frustrated from too many marketing posts from a company in one day. Customizing the messages for different groups of your target audience will make the message even more effective.

The bottom line is, although Google+ is just starting out, we predict that this network has a lot of marketing potential and is definitely something to keep an eye on.

If you are new to Facebook, it may be hard for you to understand the difference between the Facebook profile and the Facebook page. The key is to always remember that Facebook profiles are for people, Facebook pages are for artists, businesses, organizations or any other commercial use. This is a very important fact to remember because Facebook has openly stated that it will remove profiles that are acting as business pages.

One of the reasons why many people get confused when they’re trying to establish an online presence using Facebook is because Facebook users must create a profile before they create a page. Although pages and profiles look very similar, there are some big differences between the two. It’s important that when you’re joining Facebook as a business, you create a Local Business Facebook page and use your profile only for your personal use.

Here are some traits of Facebook pages that profiles do not have:

1. People “like” a business page, but “add as friend” for personal profiles. People who “like” your business page are referred to as “fans.” When using a personal profile, people who interact with your page are your “friends.”

2. Your business can “like” other pages but not individual personal profiles.

3. With a business page, you can view statistics about your users and posts from the “Insights” tab. This will help you determine the demographics of your users and what they like so you can keep them engaged.

4. Once you get 25 people to “like” your business page, you can get a custom URL for your page that is easy to remember and promote.

5. Your Facebook page can have more than one administrator. This allows both you and your employees to contribute to the Facebook page (if desired).

6. As an administrator of your Facebook page, you can suggest the page to all of your Facebook friends.

Facebook pages are meant for interacting and connecting with your fans (who are also your current and potential customers). Remember to save your personal posts for your profile and your engaging business-related posts for your page.

“Like” Local Splash on Facebook for SEO news, tips and tricks!

LinkedInLinkedIn is a powerful social network of over 8.5 million experienced professionals worldwide. For business owners, it’s a great way to network with other professionals in your industry as well as connect with potential clients and customers. Here are 5 great ways to utilize the social media marketing tools LinkedIn has to offer your business.

1. Add connections. Once your profile is completed, use your email account to add connections on LinkedIn. Also use the LinkedIn search feature to find people you know, whether they are people you went to college with or colleagues, the more connections the better. Adding connections will increase your visibility which makes it more likely that people will see your profile first when they’re searching for someone to do business with.

2. Find 3-5 LinkedIn groups that are in your target market and join them. Participate in discussions so you can grab the attention of other members. This will not only get your business on people’s radar but you’ll also show members that you are an expert in your field so they will feel more comfortable working with you. Make sure to leave a link to your website (if relevant) when you respond to discussions.

3. Subscribe to LinkedIn Answers for your target categories. Try to answer one question every day until one of your answers is dubbed the “best answer.” Then post 3 a week until you get another “best answer” designation. Once that happens, you can post once per week. Using Answers on LinkedIn will make your profile more likely to be seen by other professionals and will help establish you as an industry expert.

4. Give recommendations for people you have worked with. Once you’ve written a recommendation for someone, ask for one in return. These testimonials will make potential clients more likely to work with you.

5. Improve your Google page rank. LinkedIn allows you to make your profile searchable in Google, Yahoo! and Bing. LinkedIn profiles receive a high page rank in Google so allowing your profile to be indexed in the search results will work to your advantage.
– To increase your profile visibility, create a public profile and select “full view.” Make it easier to send people to your profile by creating a customized URL that is your actual name.

Following these tips and using all the tools LinkedIn has to offer can help you connect and network with professionals in your industry for educational purposes as well as market to new clients in order to expand your business.