All posts by drodecker

wordpressDid you know that 57% of businesses have acquired a customer through their company blog? If you’re ready to get yours started, here are 3 WordPress tips from Mashable.

1. Change blog post authors. Everyone loves variety! When you get multiple authors posting on one blog, it makes it more interesting. When you have multiple authors contributing to a WordPress blog, make sure you’re giving credit to the correct person by changing the post authors. Go to the Edit screen for the blog post and click “screen options.” From there check the box that says “Author,” and a drop-down box will appear that allows you to choose the author or add a new author. Then click “Update” to save the changes on the post or “Publish” if the post hasn’t been published yet.

2. Change the URL for your blog post. This can help with search engine optimization. You can change the URL to your post by clicking on the “edit” button that is sound next to the permalink, just below the title of your post (you need to do this while you’re in “edit post.” When you click “edit” the box will turn to a blank text box. Add keywords that are relevant to the post in this box. Example: Then click “Update” or “Publish” to save your blog post.

3.  Save time, schedule blogs for the future. It’s best to keep your blogging on a schedule. That way your readers know when to expect a new post from you. When you schedule posts for the future, you will save time and you’re more likely to be consistent with your posts, which is important. Designate a day out of the week where you will write all of your posts for the week and schedule them. This will become a routine and that way you won’t find yourself slacking off on posting in your blog later down the line.

Now you are all set to start blogging! Need some topics to blog about? Read Business Blogging Tips: 5 Topics to Blog About.

cybermondayIt’s only half way through the day but Cyber Monday sales are already up 24.1% since last year according to a report by IBM. IBM based the report on IBM Digital Analytics Benchmark, a platform that tracks over a million e-commerce transactions per day from 500 American retailers.

According to the reports, which feature data through noon Monday EST, 22.4% of consumers are using a mobile device to surf retailers’ Cyber Monday sales and a little over half of them are making purchases from the device. IBM broke down the data further to show that 8.7% of the consumers are using iPhones to make purchases, 7.2% are on iPads and 6.3% are using Androids.

Stay tuned for the final statistics of Cyber Monday sales!