All posts by Local Splash

Chat and Call History Are Changing in Google Business Profile

Google has announced the discontinuation of the chat and call history within Google Business Profile. These changes take effect July 15th for chat and July 31st for call history. 

Google chat and call history are being discontinued july 15 2024 within google business profile. Here are some alternatives.

Key Dates to Remember: 

  • After July 15th, 2024, new chat conversations will not be possible, but you can still continue existing chats for a few weeks.
  • On July 31st, 2024, Google Business Profile will remove the chat button, and call history will no longer be available.

We understand these features have been valuable tools for many of our clients in managing customer inquiries and maintaining seamless communication. 

Despite these updates, Local Splash is dedicated to supporting your business with top-tier digital marketing solutions.

How to Save Your Google Business Profile Chat and Call History

Until August 30, you can download your chat and call history to maintain access to past interactions. Simply visit Google Takeout, sign in with your Google account, and select the data you wish to download, ensuring you include your Google Business Profile chat and call history. Follow the prompts to download and securely save your data on your computer.

Understanding the Impact on Your Business

Adapting to your customers’ behavior, rather than trying to change it, will better position you to handle the discontinuation of features on Google’s platform.

To understand how the discontinuation of chat and call history features might affect your business operations, analyze your current customer interaction data. This analysis will help you gauge the potential impact and plan accordingly.

Maintaining Communication with Your Customers

Even though chat and call history features are being phased out, your business will still be easily found through Google Search and Maps. 

Customers can continue to contact you directly through calls from your business profile. Here are some steps to maintain effective communication:

  1. Update Your Contact Details: Check that your contact information is current and accurate in your Client Dashboard at
  2. Enhance Your Google Listing: Enable features like Google Q&A or Google Offers to further engage with your audience. Ask us how today. 
  3. Consider Other Communication Tools: Evaluate other tools and methods to maintain and enhance customer engagement. If you’re using MySite with Local Splash, you can take advantage of the Live Chat feature for real-time visitor interaction. 

Update Your Welcome Message in Google Business Profile

You’ll also want to make your customers aware that Google Chat has been discontinued, and provide alternative communication methods — like calling your business directly or using Live Chat on MySite.

To do that, update your welcome message on Google Business Profile. Sign into GBP and navigate to the welcome message settings. Edit the text to direct your customer to the new ways to reach you. Google provides detailed instructions — click here.

Introducing Live Chat Integration with MySite

In response to google closing live chat and call history, local splash has activated live chat for their clients. Live chat includes real-time engagement, instant support, and lead capture.

We’re excited to introduce Live Chat for MySite users, making it easier to engage with your visitors in real-time. 

Live Chat benefits include:

  • Real-Time Engagement: Seamlessly engage with website visitors in real-time.
  • Instant Support: Provide instant support and address customer inquiries promptly.
  • Lead Capture: Capture leads and convert website traffic into valuable customers.

Implement Live Chat on MySite

To integrate Live Chat on your MySite, simply contact our support team for assistance. You can reach Client Support by calling (877) 635-6225 or visiting our client support page. Our team will help you customize the chat settings to fit your business needs and provide training to enable your team to use Live Chat effectively. 

Please note that while Live Chat is included for single users, a paid upgrade is available if you wish to include your entire team.

Additional Steps You Can Take to Improve Online Customer Engagement

To make the most of your online presence and customer interactions, consider these best practices:

  • Respond Promptly: Whether through Google Q&A, emails, or Live Chat, timely responses show customers you value their inquiries.
  • Personalize Your Interactions: Use customer names and reference previous interactions to create a more personalized experience.
  • Gather Feedback: Regularly ask for and review customer feedback to improve your services and address any issues.

​​Google Q&A

Google Q&A allows businesses to answer questions directly on their Google Business Profile, providing valuable information to potential customers. To set it up, complete the following:

  • Open your Google Business Profile.
  • Click on the “Questions & answers” tab: This will take you to the section where you can add and manage the Q&A section of your profile

Google Offers

Google Offers enables businesses to create promotional offers and deals that appear on their Google Business Profile. This can help attract more customers and increase engagement. Here’s how to add it to your Business Profile in Google:

  • Log in to your Google Business Profile 
  • Click “Add Update” 
  • Click “Add Offer”
  • Enter a headline, start date, end date, and any terms or conditions
  • Click Preview – if all looks good, click Post 

The Solution to More Powerful Content Marketing

Local Splash’s client dashboard is packed with tools that allow you to publish easily and attract more attention to MySite. Here’s how you can create engaging posts right from your client dashboard:

  1. Log into your Local Splash Dashboard at
  2. Click on the “Posts” tab.
  3. Click on “Create New Post”.
  4. Choose Your Post Type: Choose “What’s New” or “Offer,” depending on the type of post you want to share.
  5. Add Your Content: Upload an image and write a description. We include an AI assistant to help you write the perfect message.
  6. Schedule Your Post: Pick the perfect time for your post to go live, so it reaches your audience when they’re most active.* 
  7. Add a Button: Make your post more interactive by adding a call-to-action button like “Learn More” or “Shop Now.”
  8. Publish: Review your post, and when you’re happy with it, hit the “Publish” button to share it with your followers.

*The scheduling feature is a significant advantage over Google Business Profile, which requires third-party tools to schedule content. The result? You deliver updates exactly when your audience looks for them. 

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to turning your MySite into a powerful content marketing tool that attracts and engages customers. 

Alternative Communication Strategies

In addition to LiveChat on MySite and Google Business Profile, explore other communication channels to provide your customers with easy ways to reach you. This may include social media messaging, email marketing, and customer service hotlines.

We’re Here to Support You

We understand that adapting to Google’s changes may pose challenges, but we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our goal is to empower you with innovative solutions that minimize the impact of Google’s updates, plus elevate your online presence and customer engagement strategies.

If you have any questions or need assistance in implementing Live Chat on your MySite, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re here to support you and help you make the most of your digital marketing efforts.

Thank you for choosing Local Splash as your trusted partner in driving online success. Together, we’ll continue to adapt, innovate, and succeed in business.

Initiating a Facebook ad campaign? The key to boosting customer engagement and conversion lies in choosing the perfect Call to Action (CTA). Think of your CTA as the crucial link that moves potential customers from curiosity to decisive action.

Each CTA is designed with a unique goal in mind, whether it’s to attract new leads, foster direct customer interactions, or prompt immediate responses.

What Call to Action Do You Want for Your Ad Campaign?

Selecting the perfect Call to Action (CTA) affects how viewers engage with your advertisement and ultimately, determines the effectiveness of your campaign.

For businesses providing local services, choosing a CTA that prompts swift and relevant action aligns perfectly with the immediate needs of prospective clients. If you begin by thinking about your customers’ needs, you will place yourself ahead of competing advertisers in your market.  

Business owners have three distinct CTA options to integrate into their campaigns: Facebook Form Fill, Calls, or Facebook Messenger. Each option is tailored for different facets of customer interaction and lead generation:

  • Facebook Form Fill focuses on gathering lead data efficiently.
  • Calls facilitate immediate voice contact.
  • Facebook Messenger offers a dynamic platform for instant messaging and engagement.

Understanding how each CTA works and its advantages will help you tailor your Facebook ads to meet your business objectives and enhance customer interaction. Let’s explore how each option can optimize your campaign’s impact:

If Facebook Form Fill is Selected

Choosing the Facebook Form Fill option allows you to collect information directly through your ad. When a potential customer fills out a form embedded in your Facebook Ad, their contact details are sent directly to you via email and SMS. This real-time information allows you to promptly follow-up. 

We recommend reaching out to these potential customers as quickly as possible to maximize conversion opportunities. All collected leads are conveniently stored under the ‘Leads’ tab on your client dashboard in Local Splash, ensuring you never miss out on a prospect!

Best Practices (FB Form Fill):

  • Data Collection: There are four essential fields in the form (services you are looking for, your name, phone number, and city). 
  • Follow-Up Strategy: Set up automated responses to acknowledge receipt of the form submission and have a clear plan for follow-up contacts – ideally within 24 hours – to capitalize on the lead’s interest.
  • Graphic Suggestion: A flowchart showing the step-by-step process from form submission to follow-up.

If Calls are Selected

If direct communication is your goal, selecting ‘Calls’ as your CTA will enable customers to contact you immediately. When a potential customer clicks your ad’s ‘Call Now’ button, it initiates a phone call to your business. 

This option is ideal for service-based businesses benefitting from real-time conversations, such as emergency repairs or consultations. Please note that while you can track the volume of calls in your client dashboard under the Facebook Ads tab, Facebook does not provide caller ID or further details about the callers. Please note, Facebook defines the call volume as estimated and in development. 

Best Practices (Calls):

  • Preparation for Call Volume: Ensure your team is ready to handle an increased call volume. Consider using a dedicated line for Facebook leads to track performance and responsiveness.
  • Training: Train staff on handling calls effectively, ensuring they can convert calls into appointments or sales by being knowledgeable about your services and promotions.
  • Graphic Suggestion: A checklist of preparation steps or a diagram of the call handling process.

If Facebook Messenger is Selected

Real messenger lead

Real Messenger Lead

The Facebook Messenger option is optimal if your goal is to enhance customer interaction and service. Ensure that you have the Messenger app downloaded to your smartphone to manage communications effectively. 

This CTA allows potential customers to message you directly from the ad, facilitating a faster and more personalized response. To comply with Facebook’s messaging policy, reply to these messages within 24 hours. This approach ensures you never miss a business inquiry and helps build strong customer relationships.

A Facebook Messenger campaign opens with a dialogue to the prospect, and asks automated questions that Local Splash sets up. These questions include by default: 

  • What services are you looking for? 
  • What is your phone number? 
  • What is your city? 

At least one question is required for Facebook to publish the ad.  

Best Practices (FB Messenger):

  • Quick Response: Since timeliness is essential, consider setting up automated greetings and responses for common inquiries to maintain engagement until a human can respond.
  • Messenger Management: Regularly update your Messenger settings to manage expectations, such as setting office hours or automated messages for off-hours. Ask us how your ads can be scheduled to run during business hours.
  • Graphic Suggestion: An example chat showing the practical use of automated messages and human interaction.

Crafting Your Facebook Ad Campaign

Facebook ads tab dashboard

Facebook Ads Tab Dashboard

When setting up your Facebook ad, choose the right visuals and copy that resonate with your target audience. The ad should catch the eye and communicate the value of your offer, compelling the viewer to take action through your well-chosen CTA.

Selecting the best CTA is more strategic than simply adding a button to your ad; it’s about understanding and aligning with the needs and behaviors of your target demographic. 

By tailoring your CTAs to fit your campaign objectives, you can effectively guide potential customers through their journey from awareness to action, optimizing engagement and conversions for your business.

Incorporating the right Call to Action in your Facebook ads will maximize engagement and drive conversions. By understanding and implementing these best practices tailored to each type of Facebook ad CTA, you can enhance your campaign’s effectiveness and better connect with your target audience. 

For more detailed guidance or to explore how LocalSplash can help optimize your Facebook advertising, don’t hesitate to contact our team. We’re here to support your business’s growth and ensure you get the most out of your advertising efforts. 


A general contractor discusses project plans, emphasizing the role of business licensing in upholding quality and accountability.

 How Proper Licensing Boosts Your Business and Online Presence

Imagine you’re setting up the website or your business, ready to attract customers from your local market. But there’s a catch: without the proper business licenses, your company might face legal issues and struggle to gain visibility on platforms like Google. 

If you find the maze of local, city, and state business licensing requirements daunting, we’ll help guide you through the process of obtaining a business license. This will allow you to legally operate in your town and state and enhance your business’s online presence.

Understanding Business Licensing Requirements

A business license is an official business permit within a specific jurisdiction. While requirements vary, operating without one can lead to fines, penalties, or even the closure of your business. Licenses are often categorized by local (town or county), city, or state levels, and each has its own set of rules and procedures.

Local Licensing Requirements

Local licenses are typically required for businesses to operate within a particular county or municipality. Contact your town’s clerk’s office or county administration to determine your local requirements. They will inform you about the necessary steps, which generally include filling out an application, paying a fee, and awaiting approval.

City Licensing Requirements

A city business license is usually mandatory if your business operates within city limits. The process often involves providing detailed information about your business, including your location, the nature of your work, and the number of employees. Check with your city’s licensing department for specific guidelines.

State Licensing Requirements

State-level licenses are broader and may include registrations for tax purposes. For example, in some states, businesses must register with the state’s Department of Revenue for tax collection. Additionally, certain professions may require state-specific licenses, so it’s crucial to research the regulations relevant to your industry.

Additional Permits and Federal Requirements

Beyond local, city, and state licenses, your business might need federal permits, especially if you’re involved in activities regulated by the federal government. Also, consider other permits like health department approvals or building and zoning permits if your business requires modifications to a physical location.

Steps to Getting Licensed

To ensure you’re fully licensed, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the types of licenses you need by researching local, city, and state requirements.
  2. Gather all necessary documentation, such as proof of business name, address, and tax identification number.
  3. Complete the relevant application forms for each required license or permit. Be thorough and provide accurate information to avoid delays.
  4. Submit your applications along with any required fees. Keep copies of all submissions for your records.
  5. Follow up with the respective licensing authorities to check on the status of your applications.
  6. Once approved, display your licenses as required by law, often at your place of business where customers can see them.
  7. Keep track of expiration dates and renew your licenses and permits as needed to maintain compliance.

The Importance of Licensing for Online Presence and Google Compliance

Having the proper business licenses does more than keep you on the right side of the law; it also plays a pivotal role in establishing your online presence. Once you have your licenses, send them to Local Splash, and we will take care of everything.

Google, for instance, often requires proof of a valid business license for a company to be listed on Google Guaranteed and Google Business Profile, which enhances visibility in search results and maps. Contact the friendly team at Local Splash to help you navigate this process or offer helpful information. 

Customers see a verified business as more trustworthy and may rank higher in search results, leading to increased traffic and potential sales.

Start Licensing Today!

Professional plumbing team in action, showcasing the importance of proper licensing in maintaining industry standards.Obtaining the necessary business licenses might seem daunting, but it’s essential in legitimizing your business and capitalizing on online opportunities. 

By following the outlined steps and understanding the importance of each license type, you can protect your business from legal issues and enhance its digital footprint. Remember, a license does more than permit; it helps your business thrive in a competitive online marketplace.

Consider consulting with a legal advisor or business consultant for personalized assistance and expert advice on navigating complex licensing requirements. Don’t wait – secure your business license now and set your business up for success! 

Licensed plumber at work, ensuring compliance with state and local regulations for a safe and reliable service.Resources and Further Reading

For more detailed information on licensing requirements, visit:

Consider consulting with a legal advisor or business consultant specializing in business licensing to navigate the process with expert guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do all businesses need a license to operate? 

A: Most businesses will need a license or permit to operate legally, but the requirements vary by location, industry, and other factors.

Q: How often do I need to renew my business license? 

A: Renewal periods vary widely, from annually to every few years. Check the specific terms of your license for the exact renewal timeline and set reminders to renew before the expiration date to avoid any lapses in legality.

Q: Can operating without a license affect my online business? 

A: Yes, operating without the necessary licenses can lead to penalties and negatively impact your online reputation and trustworthiness. Major online platforms may require proof of licensing to feature or promote your business.

Q: Where can I find the forms and information for applying for a business license? 

A: Forms and application details are typically available on the websites of your local city or town, state, and federal government. You can also visit physical offices or contact them directly for assistance.

Q: What if my business operates in multiple locations or states? 

A: You must comply with licensing requirements in each jurisdiction where your business is present. This compliance may mean applying for multiple licenses and managing them concurrently.

By reviewing these FAQs, you’ll better understand the licensing process and ensure that your business complies with all necessary regulations. Licensing safeguards your operations and strengthens your online presence, ultimately contributing to your success in the digital marketplace. Take charge of your business’s future today by securing the licenses you need to thrive.