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Imagine having a streamlined way to understand your customers’ interactions with your business via phone calls. In the competitive business world, having a grasp on customer behavior is a key asset. 

While call tracking is not seen by your customers, its impact on your business strategy is significant. This technology, especially in 2024, is a powerful tool for small businesses to gain valuable insights.

Call tracking, in essence, is about understanding the customer journey through their phone interactions with your business. At Local Splash, our approach simplifies this process by assigning a single unique phone number, making it easier for you to identify how customers are finding and contacting you. This method is particularly effective for small businesses, as it provides clear, actionable data without the complexity of managing multiple numbers.

The information gleaned from call tracking is crucial for making well-informed business decisions. By analyzing call patterns and customer inquiries, you can gain insights into what your customers are looking for, their concerns, and their expectations.

This data is invaluable for small business owners, as it can inform decisions like service improvements, operational changes, or even new product or service offerings. The insights provided by call tracking can be a game-changer for your revenue and business growth.

Google’s Policy on Call Tracking

Google allows the inclusion of call tracking numbers in Google Business Profiles, aligning with their guidelines for maintaining data integrity. Core aspects of Google’s policy include:

  • Primary and Secondary Numbers: Businesses can add a call tracking number as the primary phone number on their Google Business Profile. However, we recommend listing the regular business number as an additional or secondary number. This practice ensures that your business number remains visible across various online citations.
  • Consistency Across Citations: Maintaining consistent phone information across online platforms is crucial. Google’s policy emphasizes the integrity of local citations, which can be jeopardized by discrepancies in phone numbers across different online presences.
  • Use in Conjunction with Google Tools: Call tracking is compatible with tools like Google Ads and Google Analytics. Using unique phone numbers linked to specific campaigns helps inform customer behavior without compromising data accuracy.
  • Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI): DNI is a method that aligns with Google’s policy, displaying unique numbers each time an ad is triggered. This approach aids in keeping data consistent, which is crucial for adhering to Google’s guidelines.

It’s important to note that a standard practice employed by Local Splash for all its clients is to list the regular business number as a secondary contact. This approach is Google-compliant, and ensures that your business number remains visible across various online citations, maintaining consistency and integrity in your digital presence.

How Does Call Tracking Affect My SEO?

All leads smFor businesses focused on optimizing their online presence, comprehending the impact of call tracking on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital. This section examines how including call tracking numbers in your digital marketing efforts can influence your SEO strategy:

  • Impact on Local SEO: Implementing a call tracking number on your Google Business Profile can be done without harming your local citation profile or search rankings. This aligns with SEO best practices.
  • Tracking and Advertising Effectiveness: Call tracking plays a significant role in PPC and SEO by providing insights into customer interactions. It helps to track the effectiveness of advertising efforts, contributing to a more nuanced understanding of SEO strategies.
  • Technological Evolution: Modern technology and services in call tracking have evolved to offer effective tracking solutions. These advancements ensure the correct call-tracking implementation won’t negatively impact your SEO efforts.
  • Consistency and Compliance: It’s vital to regularly update your call tracking numbers across all platforms to maintain consistency. This practice helps harmonize your call tracking with Google’s recommended methodologies, supporting SEO effectiveness.
  • Adherence to Best Practices: Using call tracking responsibly and in accordance with Google’s guidelines is essential. This ensures that the SEO value of your Google My Business listing is maintained, contributing positively to your overall SEO strategy.

The Advantages of Spam Blocking in Call Tracking

One of the most significant challenges businesses face is managing and filtering unwanted spam calls. By incorporating spam blocking technology into call tracking systems, businesses ensure that only genuine customer calls are received — directly reducing the workload on staff and streamlining the customer service process.

This focused approach allows teams to allocate more time and resources to meaningful interactions, which in turn can lead to faster response times and increased customer satisfaction.

Spam blocking in call tracking systems works by identifying and eliminating calls from known spam sources and automated bots before they reach your team. This crucial function helps maintain a clear and efficient communication channel, allowing your staff to concentrate solely on legitimate inquiries. The result is a more productive environment where customer needs are addressed promptly and more effectively.

Inbound call management through filtering and spam blocking refines operational efficiency and provides strategic insights. Analyzing the data from filtered calls can reveal patterns such as peak spam times, informing decisions on staff scheduling (and other resource allocation) to optimize customer service during high-volume periods. This strategic use of data enhances the operational workflow and the customer calling experience, leading to improved customer relationships and business growth.


Call tracking offers you comprehensive insights into your marketing effectiveness and customer interactions. By utilizing call tracking software, you can enhance your lead generation and sales pipeline, ensuring your marketing strategies yield a strong return on investment (ROI) and bolster productivity.

The following are key benefits of utilizing call tracking:

Record of Leads

You create valuable data collection when you capture every phone call as a potential lead within your Local Splash Dashboard. This enables you to track the origin of leads, assess the quality, and tailor your approach to increase conversions.

Review Voice Call Recordings

Call recording popup sm

Having access to recordings of customer calls is an invaluable resource, particularly for home service-based businesses. These recordings are not just tools for training; they serve as a practical means to ensure accuracy in customer interactions.

For example, listening back to these calls allows your team to confirm critical details like the address provided for a service call, appointment times, and specific customer requests. This step is crucial for avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring that your team arrives at the correct location with the right tools and information. 

By reviewing these calls, you not only enhance the quality of your service but also build a reputation for reliability and attention to detail.

Mark Disposition Records for Follow-Up

By marking disposition records in your system, you ensure timely and pertinent follow-ups. This process helps categorize the purpose and outcome of calls, making prioritizing and managing your sales pipeline easier.

Reduce Bots and Telemarketers

Modern call-tracking software can help filter out unwanted calls from bots and telemarketers. This purification of your call data enhances your team’s efficiency, allowing you to focus on calls that genuinely contribute to your business’s productivity.


In 2024, you may encounter various challenges when using call tracking in your marketing strategy. Understanding and overcoming these challenges is crucial to maximizing the benefits of this technology.

Privacy and Compliance: One of your foremost concerns is ensuring privacy compliance. As online privacy regulations tighten, safeguarding customer data in call tracking becomes more complex. You must navigate these laws carefully to protect customer privacy and business interests.

Technology Integration: Integrating your call-tracking solution with existing CRM systems and analytics tools can sometimes create headaches. Choosing call-tracking solutions that offer smooth compatibility with your tech stack is essential to maintain efficiency. 

Analytics and Reporting: For call tracking to be effective, it needs to provide clear insights into call sources and customer behavior. Extracting actionable data can prove difficult without advanced analytics tools. Automation may save time, but they can misinterpret nuances in phone calls that lead to less personalized customer experiences. Choosing a call-tracking solution that will scale as your business grows is essential to avoid increased costs and disruptions if you need to upgrade or switch platforms. 

To navigate these challenges, you should place a strong emphasis on research and continuously keep abreast of evolving call-tracking technology and regulations. A better alternative is to adopt a managed solution by LocalSplash; this simplifies your commitment and allows you to maintain compliance while offering a high level of service to your customers.

How to Get a Call Tracking NumberCall history sm

It’s fairly easy to buy a call tracking number; they are readily available online. Choosing the right call tracking service can make the difference in your marketing strategy. It’s tempting to go for a budget-friendly option, but consider factors like compliance with FCC regulations, specifically the STIR/SHAKEN standards designed to reduce spam and fraud in VoIP calls. 

Non-adherence to these standards could lead to restrictions on your ability to make or receive calls. A poor reputation of the service provider can lead to a decrease in answer rate. 

With larger services that cater to a broad audience, there’s a risk of encountering unreliable elements, which can affect service quality.

Once you’ve chosen a reliable call tracking provider, you’ll typically be offered access to a comprehensive dashboard. While this tool tracks calls, it provides key metrics for your marketing efforts, allowing you to see how your team is responding to inquiries and closing leads. .

A typical call tracking dashboard presents an integrated insight into your marketing channels, from phone calls and SMS to website interactions and advertising campaigns. This unified approach enables a deeper understanding of customer engagement across various platforms. 

Key features include detailed records of call dates, times, and durations, providing valuable insights into customer conversations. Such data helps in refining marketing strategies and improving customer service. More advanced services (like those from Local Splash) offer mobile applications with softphone capabilities, further enhancing communication flexibility. Call tracking is included for our clients at no additional cost, as part of their service package. 


In summary, call tracking in 2024 is vital for small businesses aiming to refine their marketing strategies and enhance customer engagement. By effectively addressing the potential drawbacks and leveraging the numerous benefits, companies can significantly elevate their marketing intelligence and customer service. 

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing and customer relations, adopting and optimizing call-tracking technologies will be instrumental in driving sales and fostering a deeper understanding of customer interactions. 

At Local Splash, we are committed to providing tailored solutions that align with these principles, ensuring that our clients stay ahead in the dynamic word of digital marketing. By focusing on practical and effective call tracking strategies, we help small businesses thrive in a competitive market, enhancing their ability to connect with customers and understand their needs.

Creating and Claiming Your Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile (GBP) is an invaluable tool for businesses looking to manage and optimize their presence on Google Search and Maps. Local search visibility is essential, and optimizing your business profile listing can significantly improve your online presence and attract more customers.

Finding Your Business Name

Before starting the optimization process, you must create or claim your Google Business Profile. Begin by searching for your business name on Google. If your business already has a listing, you must claim it. 

If not, you can create a new one by visiting and signing up for a new account. Remember to use your official business name, as it appears on your legal documents and storefront sign.

Having trouble creating or claiming your Google Business Profile?

Don’t navigate it alone; Local Splash’s expert team is ready to assist you.

Filling Out Essential Information

Once you have created or claimed your business profile, it’s time to provide accurate and up-to-date information. Fill out the essential details, such as:

  • Business Name: Ensure that it matches your legal name and signage.
  • Address: Include your complete street address, city, state, and postal code.
  • Phone Number: Include the primary business phone number and, if applicable, a secondary number.
  • Hours of Operation: List your regular business hours and update them as needed for holidays or special events.
  • Category: Choose the category that best describes your business to help with search results.

After entering the necessary information, you must verify your business through a validation process. Google commonly uses postcards to confirm that your business exists at the provided address, but it may use other methods like video verification. 

Unsure about the essential details to include in your profile?

Let Local Splash’s professionals guide you through the process.

Optimizing Your Google Business Profile Description

When optimizing your Google Business Profile description, it’s crucial to keep it professional and engaging. A well-written description can improve your business visibility on Google Maps and in the Local 3-Pack search results. Here are some tips to help you optimize your description effectively:

First, ensure your description is concise and informative. Briefly mention your core products or services and highlight any unique selling points that set you apart from your competitors. Keep it short, preferably under 250 characters, while conveying your message.

Secondly, include relevant keywords related to your business industry or niche. This is essential for SEO and helps Google understand your business better. However, avoid keyword stuffing, resulting in a poor user experience and negatively affecting your ranking. Focus on seamlessly integrating the keywords within the text for a natural flow.

Furthermore, tailor your business description to your target audience. Speak to your customers’ interests and needs, and use a tone of voice that resonates with them. This helps create a connection with your potential customers, making them more likely to engage with your business.

Lastly, make sure your description is up-to-date and accurately reflects your current business offerings. Update it as necessary to keep potential customers informed. Regularly updating your Google Business Profile helps maintain your ranking in search results.

By following these guidelines, you can create an effective, professional, and searchable description for your Google Business Profile, improving your visibility in Google Maps and local searches.

Struggling to craft the perfect business description?

Our team at Local Splash can help you create a compelling and effective description.

Choosing the Right Categories and Attributes

Understanding Primary and Secondary Categories

Selecting the appropriate primary and secondary categories for your Google Business Profile is directly tied to your business appearing in relevant search results. The primary category is the main category that represents your core offering, while secondary categories describe additional services or products you provide. 

To make the most of your listing, carefully consider which categories best represent your business. You can select up to nine secondary categories alongside your primary category, which allows for greater visibility in searches related to your services.

Not sure about the best category for your business or which attributes to select?

Local Splash’s seasoned experts can help you make the right choices.

Assigning Appropriate Business Attributes

In addition to categories, adding the right business attributes will further enhance your Google Business Profile. Attributes provide more specific information about your establishment, such as accessibility, amenities, and payment options, to give potential customers a clear idea of what to expect. These details make your listing more appealing and increase the likelihood of being found in relevant search results. To optimize your profile:

  1. Review the list of available attributes in the Google Business Profile dashboard.
  2. Select attributes that accurately represent your business and its offerings.
  3. Regularly update your attributes to ensure the information remains accurate and relevant.

By carefully selecting your primary and secondary categories and assigning appropriate business attributes, you can optimize your Google Business Profile and elevate your visibility in local searches, ultimately driving more traffic to your business.

Google Business Profile and Local SEO

Importance of NAP Consistency

In Local SEO, NAP consistency (Name, Address, and Phone number) is one of the most essential components to get right. Ensuring that your business information is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date across the web helps search engines like Google understand your business location and what products or services you offer. 

Your NAP consistency directly impacts your local search rankings and visibility. If your NAP is inconsistent, search engines may have difficulty connecting your business profile to relevant searches, ultimately hurting your local SEO performance. 

To maintain NAP consistency, regularly audit your online presence to ensure your NAP is consistent on all platforms and directories. Correct any inconsistencies or discrepancies you find during your audits.

Concerned about maintaining NAP consistency across platforms?
Local Splash is here to ensure your business details are consistent and accurate.

Leveraging the Power of Local Search

Local search is becoming increasingly important for businesses as it helps rank on search results in your area and attract customers who are nearby and actively looking for your products or services. By optimizing your Google Business Profile, you’ll increase your local SEO relevance and strengthen your online presence.

Optimizing Your Google Business Profile: Key Strategies

Visuals in Google Business Profile: Visual elements like photos and videos significantly elevate a profile’s appeal. Businesses should use authentic, high-quality images that genuinely represent their offerings. Conversely, videos should be concise, engaging, and in line with Google’s guidelines. Maintaining a consistent visual style, updating content regularly, and ensuring all visuals are optimized for SEO is crucial.

Listing Products and Services: Through the Google My Business account, businesses can add detailed product information, complete with images. Additionally, listing all services offered is essential, providing descriptions and, if applicable, prices. For establishments like restaurants, keeping menus updated is vital.

Leveraging Client Reviews: Encouraging genuine customer feedback is pivotal. Request reviews when you meet with customers in person, via follow-up emails after their purchase, or call-to-action buttons on the business website. Equally important is the timely and professional response to positive and negative reviews, showcasing appreciation or offering solutions when needed.

Google Posts for Enhanced Visibility: Regular updates, be it promotions, news, or other relevant content, can be shared via Google Posts to keep the audience engaged. These posts should incorporate quality visuals and be written with concise, keyword-optimized copy. Monitoring the performance of these posts through Google My Business Insights can provide valuable insights, helping businesses refine their posting strategy.

Does my website matter in my Google Business Profile?
Absolutely! Let Local Splash show you how your website can enhance your profile’s effectiveness.

More Data through Google Insights

Insights for Google Business Profile offers your business a comprehensive view of how customers find and interact with your profile on Google Search and Maps. Key features include:

  • Profile Discovery: Insights reveal how customers find your profile, whether through direct searches (using your business name or address), discovery searches (searching for a category, product, or service you offer), or branded searches (related to your brand).
  • Platform Breakdown: The tool distinguishes between customers discovering your business via Google Search or Google Maps.
  • Customer Actions: Insights track customer behaviors after finding your profile, such as visiting your website, requesting directions, or making a phone call.
  • Phone Call Data: This section provides data on when and how often customers called your business through the listing, offering trends by day of the week or time of day.
  • Business Reputation: Insights might provide subjective customer opinions about the ambiance or offerings for restaurants or cafes, like being known for notable cocktails.

By leveraging these insights, businesses can better understand customer behaviors and optimize their Google Business Profile for enhanced visibility and engagement.

Overwhelmed by the data from Google Insights and unsure how to leverage it?
Local Splash’s team can help you harness the power of these insights for your business.

Putting it into Action

Optimizing your Google Business Profile is pivotal in enhancing your online visibility, especially in local searches. The steps outlined above — from maintaining NAP consistency to understanding the nuances of local SEO — are essential in ensuring your business stands out and attracts the right audience. 

While the process might seem cumbersome, it’s essential if a business wants to achieve a solid online presence. If you need expert assistance or further clarity on these aspects, the knowledgeable team here at Local Splash is always ready to guide you. Reach out today for additional guidance.

Feeling overwhelmed with optimizing your Google Business Profile?
Local Splash is here to simplify the process and ensure your business shines online.

How important is your domain to your business?
You may think as long as you have a great website and useful services, people will visit your site, right?

Well, not so fast…

Your domain name is the key factor of your website. It wouldn’t be an understatement to say it could make or break your business, so it is imperative you choose a domain that works for you.

That’s where we can help.

Choosing a domain name is more of an art than an exact science. So here are some tips and tricks we recommend following when choosing the best domain for your business. This will ensure your customers get the right first impression, that your brand is clearly defined, and your SEO is performing to the best of it’s ability.

Brandable over Generic
Using unique keywords vs keyword stuffing

Choose a domain that best represents your company, your services or your ideals.

Using Niche Keywords
A keyword/service in your domain can be great for SEO, but be wary of keyword stuffing!

The Golden Ratio
Shorter domains are more memorable. The best domains average around 11-12 characters. Once you go over 16-20 you start to lose your identifiable brand.

Avoid Hyphens & Numbers
Sometimes it’s unavoidable for the sake of a brand. But sticking to letters only is the best method to staying memorable with your domain.

Easy To Pronounce/Type
Whether you’re giving your website out over the phone or helping someone to find it, you want to avoid any chance of a mistake. Sometimes you only get one shot!

Top Level Domains (TLD’s) & Extensions
Your first option should be to check if your domain is available with .com – but don’t be afraid to venture into other extensions. You can sometimes find the domain you want using .net, .org or .pro as another option.