Category Archives: Search Engine News

Google recently partnered with some of the largest retailers, airports and transit stations in the U.S. and Japan to provide you with Google Indoor Maps. Now when you’re lost inside an airport, shopping mall or other confusing location, you’ll be able to use Google Maps to figure out where to go.

Google Maps “My Location” feature already shows your location as a blue dot so you can see yourself on the Map from your mobile smart phone to avoid walking or driving in the wrong direction on city streets. It also shows familiar landmarks and buildings nearby to give you a better understanding of where you are. However, Google Maps used to be able to get you to the right building, but once you went inside, you were on your own to find the right gate at the airport or the correct office in an unfamiliar building, until now.

Check out this video for a better understanding about how Google Indoor Maps works and read the official Google Blog for more information.

Check out the top SEO, search engine and Internet marketing industry news stories from around the Web this week.

Shoppers Research Deals via Mobile and Online Ahead of 2011 Black Friday Sales
Black Friday online shopping increased 26% this year compared to last year, according to comScore. Americans are now going online to shop on Thanksgiving night which is resulting in more money spent.

Google+ Is Slowly Invading Google’s Main Search Results
Content from Google+ is beginning to show up in the Google search results. Check out the recent changes here.

YouTube Passes 20 Billion Video Views in One Month
According to comScore, online video viewership reached record levels in October. YouTube received over 20 billion views for the first time.

Google News Gets Social, Adds +1’s
Now when Google users are logged in, they’ll sometimes see socially promoted stories in their news spotlight.

Google Searchers User Autocomplete Most, Ignore Google Instant (Eye Tracking Study)
A recent eye tracking study from Rosetta gives interesting insight on Instant, Instant Previews, universal search results, Places and autocomplete.

Google is making it even easier to chat with people you have relationships with. The search engine recently added another feature to Google+; you can now use Google Chat to talk to anyone in your Circles who has added you to their Circles. Prior to this new feature, users would have needed to know the person’s email address before adding them on Chat.

When you’re not using Google+, you’ll still be able to use Chat to talk to people in your Circles using other Google products like Gmail, Google Talk, iGoogle, Orkut and 3rd party apps. One other change to Google Chat is that instead of displaying all of your contacts in your Google+ Chat list, Google will be displaying contacts from your most recent conversations that are online at that moment.
