Tag Archives: local search engine optimization

Check out the top SEO, search engine and Internet marketing industry news stories from around the Web this week.

Google+ Adds Mutual Circle Chat
Now Google Chat users no longer need someone’s email to chat with them on Google+. On Google+, you can now chat with anyone who is in your circles who also has you in their circles.

comScore Releases October 2011 U.S. Search Engine Rankings
A leader in measuring the digital world, comScore, released its monthly comScore qSearch analysis of the U.S. search marketplace.

Yahoo Site Explorer Closing Down Monday, November 21
Yahoo is officialy closing down Yahoo Site Explorer as of today, November 21, 2011.

Google+ Pages Give the Social Network Another Big Traffic Push
According to a report from Experian Hitwise, Google+ received a massive push last week. The site received 5% more traffic than the previous week and 25% more than the same week in October due to the announcement of Google+ Pages.

Google Launches Music Store, Artist Hub and More
Google recently unveiled its Google Music program which offers several new music features for consumers and artists.

According to Mashable, Google+ just launched Trending Topics Thursday night, November 18. It’s similar to Twitter’s Trending Topics and includes 10 of the hottest and most popular discussion items on the social network. When a user clicks on one of the topics, a search query is launched and posts about the topic by other users on Google+ are displayed.

In addition to adding Trending Topics, Google also made some changes regarding Google+ Search. Users can search the entire Google+ network, within their circles or within their own posts.

Trending topics helped Twitter become the place where people turned to find out what others were talking about at any point in time. Now with Google+ jumping on the Bandwagon, does Twitter have to watch its back?


This screenshot shows Google+'s new Trending Topics.

As we all know, Google Places is constantly changing and updating. Over the past week, there has been plenty of buzz about the new makeover Google Places has undergone. After our Local Splash provisioning team has researched the new face of Google Places, here is an outline of the changes we’ve found.

The New Search Engine Results Pages:


• The red Google pins are now grey. If you hover your mouse over the grey pins turn red.
• The map is vertically larger and more pins are displayed.
• When you click on the red arrow a new panel to the right is displayed with more information. This information includes Place Page photos with more details and the business’s home page.

Great Marketing Opportunities

When a user already knows the name of the business they’re looking for, the results page looks like this:


• All of the important business information is above the fold on your page – this is prime marketing real estate.
• The Places Page and website are both displayed; if you click the right arrow it will go between both.
• Citations (listings and directories) are shown.

The new look of Google Places is great because it displays information without needing to actually click on the business’s Places Page. This is extremely beneficial for small businesses that may not have much of a marketing budget or online presence because Google Places is completely free. Claiming your Google Places listing allows you to establish your business online with little investment. Be sure to completely fill out your Google Places page information with plenty of details about your business (including photos, videos, etc.) to maximize your Google Places page’s value and boost your rankings.